2024 DeFeet Ambassadors

Thinking about applying to be a DeFeet Ambassador next year? Tag us in your DeFeet gear on Instagram so we can follow your story and see how you DeFeet.

#defeet #idefeet

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Tina Beecham 

Cibolo, TX

Pre-event rituals: My pre event rituals consist of hydrating, favorite tunes, & stretching/warming-up. 

Post-activity recovery:
My post rides/runs/hike go-to’s are Nuun sport hydration & chocolate protein drinks. 

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Beata Wronska

Brevard, NC

Pre-event rituals: I love to foam roll and light stretch before every ride. As well as have my favorite meal and hot tea or coffee.

Post-activity recovery: Post-activity recovery: I try to have right away after my ride home mix of chocolate milk. My favorite meal was always Chipotle fajita bowl, but we don't have one available here in the mountains, so I have to rather improvise for that in the kitchen. If needed I will throw some quick veggies and eggs on the pan or scout for any leftovers!

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Leslie Carlson

Portland, OR

Pre-event rituals: I race cyclocross and MTB in red lipstick! It is my signature move and gets me going. 

Post-activity recovery: I put on some DialedIn muscle cream and drink a Skratch Labs recovery drink in chocolate. Both help me recover quickly after big rides and races, and Skratch is a great sponsor of my 100-member cyclocross team.

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Landon Dendy

San Marcos, CA

Pre-event rituals: Pre-ride I make sure to set my Spotify play list, have fully charged air-pods, pick out snacks/gels, fill up my water bottles with hydration mix, warm up with some stretching then put on my gear along with my favorite pair of DeFeet socks! Then go ride!

Post-activity recovery: Post ride or work out, I have a recovery protein drink, stretch, and then love to get a Chipotle chicken bowl!

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Robbie Douangpanya

Albuquerque, NM

Pre-event rituals: Pull on my DeFeet Socks one foot at a time. Then I am ready to Rock!

Post-activity recovery: Après ride drink is mostly chocolate milk.

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Makesi Duncan

Blooming Grove, NY

Pre-event rituals: Pre ride I need music to get mentally prepared. It's always fun when you can sing your way through a tough bike ride.

Post-activity recovery: After any ride I love having a gigantic burrito from chipotle!

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An-Mei Ellisor

Durango, CO

Pre-event rituals: My pre ride ritual is getting everything I'm wearing to match including the socks. Socks make or break the fit.

Post-activity recovery: Post-ride go-to meal is a taco bowl with horchata from Zia’s.

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Lori Greminger 

Bella Vista, AR

Pre-event rituals: I have to run through the route in my head and mentally talk myself through the checkpoints. Where is water? Where are potential bail out points? Will I pass a bike station? It helps me prepare internally and it feels good to have a plan!

Post-activity recovery: I'm obsessed with peanut butter trail mix! So I always hit that as a quick snack while I get cleaned up. Then it's pizza time! My favorite recovery treat!

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Kari Hutson

Columbus, OH

Pre-event rituals: If it's a race, I have to have my nails painted, adjust my ears, lots of nervous chatter at the start line, and off we go!

Post-activity recovery: Skratch Recovery! Coffee is my favorite flavor!


Tom Johnson

New York City, NY

Pre-event rituals: Work, espresso, ride, espresso, work :)

Post-activity recovery: Protein and carb smoothie!

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Jahn Otto Kallevik

Tysvær, Norway

Pre-event rituals: Checking the weather and finding some cool socks.

Post-activity recovery: Some gummybears :D

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Tom Keller

Bloomington, IL

Pre-event rituals: A power nap first & then an energy drink to get the vibes pumping!

Post-activity recovery: A Chipotle burrito bowl is the post ride go-to, & no utensils needed as the chips are my spork of choice that go crunch with each bite.

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Kat Koch

Vancouver, WA

Pre-event rituals: Pick out my socks, sock game is essential and will often reflect my mood.Make sure there are snacks and a change of clothes in the bag. Collect all the dogs, lube chain, pick Playlist to accompany the ride to the trailhead and go.

Post-activity recovery: Flying Embers hard Kombucha, or a Spindrift. Salty snack. Kettle Chips or Epic Pork Rinds. My favorite thing is to stop at the local Birria Taco cart after a ride. Consome and some tacos are the best post-ride meal imo.


Amalia Litsa

Austin, TX

Pre-event rituals: I fill one of my water bottles with @deardiary_coffee cold brew and grab a banana bread for the road!

Post-activity recovery: I lead a weekly ride for @teamsnacks called the "Early Bird Special." It always ends at my shop, @deardiary_coffee where we have vegan tacos and kolaches before heading off to our respective jobs.

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Zach Martinez

San Diego, CA

Pre-event rituals: Warm up in the rollers for 40 minutes.

Post-activity recovery: Use Ryno Power products exclusively

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Jessica Moore

Bella Vista, AR

Pre-event rituals: Stretching and making sure I have everything to make for a fun mountain bike ride which includes snacks on snacks on snacks! For running, making sure I stretch because my body loves to pull muscles not during the run but after.

Post-activity recovery: Picky Bars, Liquid IV, really any snacks! I’m not picky! :)

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Matt @ridegravelroad

Surrey, UK

Pre-event rituals: Attention to detail...I'm all about visual coordination, so selecting the right combination of socks, shoes, helmet, glasses, and gloves always takes time, I'll never just grab something randomly and go!

Post-activity recovery: I always finish with a recovery shake, which I enjoy while looking back over pictures and video from the ride.


Drew Polk

Avon, IN

Pre-event rituals: I usually listen to music while getting prepared and warming up.

Post-activity recovery: I have a small snack, usually some sort of bar, and a protein shake.

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Melvin Tan

Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

Pre-event rituals: Make sure all my camera's and gear's batteries are charged... 🤣

Post-activity recovery: Water... Even if it's an above 200km ride.... Go natural 👍🏼 if needed fresh coconut.

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Dely Thibault 

Amay, Belgium

Pre-event rituals: Be classy and look good.
Post-activity recovery: Recovery drink 3 action.


Josh Toth

Hickory, NC

Pre-event rituals: Pre ride/ race I like to listen to some music to get in the zone, and put me in a good mood!

Post-activity recovery: Post race I usually go for a beer and for food, whatever is closest to me haha

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Guillaume Van Vlaenderen 

Liège, Belgium

Pre-event rituals: Breakfast, morning core routine, coffee, ride!

Post-activity recovery: Directly after training, protein Shake. And after, a good healthy meal.

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Jelle Wallays

West Flanders, Belgium

Pre-event rituals: Some stretching and relaxing therapy.

Post-activity recovery: For me a healthy Shake.

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Kelly Watts 

Melbourne, Australia

Pre-event rituals: Before every race, my bestie and I apply a temporary tattoo (usually flowers or butterflies) for good luck.

Post-activity recovery: Usually that's lunch (chicken, avocado, cashews and apple is my fav) or a protein bar.

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Andy Whitehair

Brecksville, OH

Pre-event rituals: I put on my DeFeet socks and grab the bike computer because sadly I can't ride and not record it.

Post-activity recovery: Usually a protein shake unless there's leftover pizza in the house.


Hannah Wray

Corona, CA

Pre-event rituals: Before any ride I make sure to set up a solid lineup of songs. Depending on what kind of ride i have there are different kinds of music I play.

Post-activity recovery: I usually have a protein/recovery drink right after I ride and then my go-to meal is probably chicken and rice.
