Human Powered Movement Picks Up Custom Socks
In early April, five cyclists from the Charlotte, NC area showed up on bikes to pick up their custom sock order.
Human Powered Movement founder Adam Bratton pressed his friends into service as sock mules, encouraging them to load up their bikes with storage bags and make the 100+ mile trip from Charlotte to Hildebran and back.
The mission of Human Powered Movement is to facilitate greater human powered experiences in all of us.
Their goals?
Develop events and challenges to keep people active and accountable.
Create and promote inspirational stories to keep people engaged and motivated.
Lead by example and joyfully enable others along the way.
Obviously, Bratton chose to create an adventure over the pedestrian option of shipping for his custom sock order.
When they arrived at the DeFeet microsockery, founder and Chief sockologist Shane Cooper gave them a tour to show where the magic happens (hint: it all happens right here in Hildebran, NC. Our US-grown Merino comes from ranches in Oregon, and the washing, dyeing, and spinning all happens in the Carolinas.).
The crew accepted the challenge of cramming dozens of custom socks into their baggage while Bratton took a surprisingly long time trying on the socks, leaving very few to pack into his bag.
Once the Human Powered Movement cyclists had everything packed, they said goodbye to DeFeet and headed in to Hickory for refreshments to fuel their return home.